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New Delhi

Delayed monsoon triggers 5-15% increase in prices of essential kitchen staples


The prices of essential kitchen items such as rice and rice products like poha and murmura, as well as jowar, bajra, and chicken, have experienced a significant increase of 5-15% in the past two weeks. This rise can be attributed to the delayed sowing of kharif crops caused by the sluggish progress of the monsoon. Despite the government’s attempts to control prices, wheat and pulses have also remained firm at high levels.

According to market experts and trade analysts, food prices are anticipated to remain stable or even rise further until rainfall conditions become favorable for sowing.

Paddy and pulses such as tur, moong, and urad, along with oilseeds like soybean and groundnut, are among the prominent staple crops cultivated during the kharif season.

“The prices of rice and rice products like poha and murmura have increased by about 15% in last 2 weeks as the monsoon has been delayed. Prices of jowar and bajra are also up, while the prices of pulses and wheat have not declined after the stock limit,” said Rajesh Shah, Director of Pune-based Jairaj Group.

He added, “The prices of cereals are expected to stay firm or increase further if we do not get timely and sufficient rainfall.”

“Delay in monsoon by another 7-10 days may have an adverse impact on the acreages under of pulses crops which may tend to price rise for the overall pulse complex. For other key crops like paddy, if the inadequate rainfall situation prevails till the end of July, it may lead to decline in paddy acreages and production leading to further price rise,” said Pushan Sharma, Director (research), CRISIL Market Intelligence and Analytics.

The delayed arrival of summer and prolonged high temperatures in June, caused by the delayed rainfall, resulted in decreased productivity of poultry farms. As a consequence, chicken prices experienced a surge.

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