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From humble kiosk to INR 100 Cr QSR success: The inspiring story of Biraja Rout and Biggies Burger


In a world dominated by fast-food giants like McDonald’s, KFC, and Dominos, it takes a special kind of passion and courage to step into the quick-service restaurant (QSR) industry and carve out a niche of your own. Biraja Prasad Rout, a young Indian entrepreneur, did just that when he embarked on a journey to revolutionize the love for burgers in India and create a brand that would stand tall amidst global competition. This is the story of how Biraja’s love for burgers and his entrepreneurial spirit combined to give birth to “Biggies Burger”.

Love at First Bite:

Back in 2011, in the bustling city of Bangalore, Biraja Prasad Rout was a young and curious first-year college student, just 21 years old. At that age, he felt like he had experienced almost everything the world had to offer, and nothing seemed to surprise him anymore. But little did he know that a delightful surprise awaited him in the form of a mouthwatering creation called the “burger.”

For Biraja, the concept of burgers had been entirely different until his time in his hometown, Odisha. It wasn’t the usual bun-tikki wala burger that he had encountered before. This was the real deal – a masterpiece with a succulent, juicy patty, oozing melted cheese, and a burst of fresh veggies, all embraced by soft buns. This extraordinary burger left an indelible impression on Biraja, igniting a spark of passion and curiosity in him.

In an exclusive conversation with SnackFax, Biraja said, “Like Odisha there are a lot of other states where the accessibility of these global brands and products are not much and burger as a product was not established in the Indian ecosystem, it was only for the metro cities as it was the era of pizza plants like Dominos, Pizza Hut, Papa Johns.”

His experience in Bengaluru, where he encountered a typical American burger, left him amazed and wondering why he hadn’t tried it earlier.

From that moment on, Biraja’s mind was consumed by the idea of bringing this sensational burger experience to more people in India. He couldn’t shake off the thought of creating a brand that would redefine burgers and elevate them to a whole new level of taste and satisfaction.

With every bite he took, the desire to share this culinary delight grew stronger within him. The more he learned about different burger variations and global flavors, the clearer his vision became. He knew he had to offer something extraordinary, something that would stand out amidst the ordinary fast-food options available.

Little did he know that his love for burgers and his entrepreneurial spirit would intertwine to give birth to a brand that would leave a lasting impact on the fast-food industry in India. Thus, the story of “Biggies Burger” began, and it would soon capture the hearts and taste buds of people all across the nation.

The Birth of Biggies Burger:

More than a tale of inspiration or motivation, this is a love story that revolves around a person’s passion and deep affection for a dream. He shares, “Coming from a middle-class family, I aspired to achieve independence and something of my own.” Although lacking a business degree, the concept of entrepreneurship fascinated him, particularly when he observed that burgers were one of the most widely consumed single meal products worldwide.

Residing in Electronic City, Bangalore, he was well aware of the distance from the main city, but his dedication was commendable. He traveled there almost every day to study burgers and even pursued business studies on weekends, admitting, “I am neither an MBA nor do I have any business background.”

Despite his unconventional path, the allure of combining business and burgers was irresistible to him, especially during his early days in 2011. Fueled by excitement, he took a bold step and opened a small kiosk named “Biggies Burger” near his house. Initially, the journey was not smooth as people were perplexed about what he was selling, with some even asking if he was selling bread or roti in his thela (cart).

Yet, he remained undeterred because he knew that something significant was in store for him. While his initial goal was not to open a hundred outlets, he soon realized that established brands like KFC, McDonald’s, and Domino’s were dominating the Quick Serving Restaurants (QSR) sector, and there was no prominent Indian brand in the competition.

Believing in the inevitability of globalization, he adopted an inclusive and creative approach, which ultimately enabled him to stand tall in the Indian market.

Sharing his inspiring story with SnackFax, Biraja said, “Whether we have an Indian Brand or not Indians are eating Pizza. At the verge of globalization, every country has to adopt everything.”

Thus, Biraja’s love for burgers and his determination to create something unique and Indian in the QSR realm turned into a successful venture. His “Biggies Burger” would soon become a significant player in the fast-food industry, rewriting the narrative and establishing itself as a symbol of Indian ingenuity and taste.

Growing Beyond Boundaries:

“Are you looking to do the journey all on your own or are you looking forward to creating a team?” Guided by this principle in 2013, Biraja embarked on his inaugural franchise venture, a novel concept for both him and the community. Biraja’s core belief has always centered around sharing and collective growth, a sentiment that led to two of his inaugural franchisees becoming co-founders on his path.

Despite limited capital and a clear vision, Biraja remained steadfast, refusing to allow others’ skepticism to dim the blazing passion within him. He emphasized, “It’s all about the conviction that you bring through the concepts and make them convince to be a part of you.”

With this steadfast belief, he single-handedly nurtured a team from the ground up, even though substantial salaries were not feasible at the time. Up until 2019, every team member was a fresh recruit, often originating as customers who held strong faith in the concept and had the potential to evolve into professionals. Biraja invested significant time in nurturing his initial team, a practice that bore fruit and facilitated exponential growth.

“That was the way i had taken it up, it might be different from other founders but for me it was like heavy conviction on what you’re doing, confidence and transferring that energy to other people,” Biraja said.

Today, Biggies Burger stands tall as a testament to a decade of unwavering commitment to quality ingredients, signature recipes, and affordable prices. With 40 outlets spanning across India, the brand has etched its name into the hearts of burger enthusiasts all over the country. Fueling its journey of growth and success, Biggies Burger has garnered support from two esteemed investors, LetsVenture and Indian Angel Network, raising an impressive sum of INR 55 million. The most recent milestone in their journey was the successful conclusion of a Seed round of funding on September 20, 2022. This achievement marks a pivotal moment in the brand’s evolution, setting the stage for even greater accomplishments in the years to come.

Watch the full interesting conversation here:
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