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New Delhi

Sid’s Farm announces marginal price revision for premium A2 Buffalo Milk


Sid’s Farm, a premium D2C dairy brand based in Telangana, has announced a marginal revision in the retail price of its A2 Buffalo Milk. The amended pricing, set at INR 60 per 500 ml pouch, is slated to take effect on August 31, 2023, across the company’s app and other distribution channels. This adjustment will exclusively impact supplies starting from September 1, and it’s important to note that the cost of other product variants, as well as the cow milk offerings by the company, will remain unaffected by this decision.

The pricing of A2 Buffalo milk has been facing prolonged strain owing to the inadequate availability of buffalo milk, and there are no immediate indications of this pressure easing. Sid’s Farm has noticed a significant rise in the expenses associated with raw buffalo milk, partly due to the stringent quality criteria maintained by the company throughout the stages of milk sourcing and processing. Despite the considerable escalation in procurement costs, Sid’s Farm remains committed to restricting the upward adjustment of prices to the lowest feasible extent, all in consideration of its esteemed customers.

Dr. Kishore Indukuri, Founder of Sid’s Farm, acknowledged the prevailing inflationary challenges faced by the dairy industry this year. He said, ”While we empathize fully with our customers considering the little additional financial burden, we are certain that our quality conscious customers would understand our predicament and continue to support us in our continued efforts to supply only real unadulterated antibiotic-free milk to them. It may not be one of the best times for the industry considering the continued surges in raw milk prices, but we will certainly keep our standards intact with the several thousand tests that we conduct every day on our milk.”

A2 Buffalo milk boasts an abundance of A2 beta-casein protein and is devoid of A1 beta-casein protein, a combination that amplifies its nutritional benefits. Sid’s Farm’s A2 Buffalo Milk is endowed with elevated proportions of protein, fat, essential nutrients, and lactose. These attributes contribute to a sense of satiety, facilitating weight management and regulation of body fat.

Since 2016, Sid’s Farm has been at the forefront of championing pure and healthy milk and dairy products. The company ensures the highest quality of milk and dairy items through stringent regulations and rigorous testing protocols. To counteract the possibility of micro-level adulteration, detailed assessments for substances such as urea, sugar, glucose, starch, peroxide, baking soda, caustic soda, formalin, melamine, and three classes of antibiotics are conducted at every container/can level.

Moreover, Sid’s Farm maintains strict monitoring of milk’s fat and solids-not-fat (SNF) content, using the Methylene Blue Dye Reduction Test – a recognized gold standard for evaluating the quality of raw milk.

With a cutting-edge laboratory in place, the company performs more than 6,500 daily tests to guarantee that its clientele exclusively receives completely pure, untainted milk and dairy offerings. The company’s unwavering dedication to excellence is clearly reflected in its scrupulous focus on particulars and unending efforts to establish unparalleled standards within the sector.

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