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New Delhi

Tamil Nadu officials to probe violations at Tasmac liquor outlets after numerous complaints


The state excise department has assigned government officials to carry out comprehensive investigations into the complaints lodged against each establishment and make a determination.

It is worth noting that Tamil Nadu currently has 4,289 Tasmac liquor outlets. The state had previously closed down 500 outlets in response to similar complaints from the public. The closure of these establishments significantly empowered the complainants, who are now advocating for the closure of an additional 275 liquor outlets.

R.M. Surulirajan, a businessman in Coimbatore while speaking to said, “The decision of the state government to shut down 500 Tasmac outlets in June 2023 has emboldened the complainants and gives a feeling that the government would act and shut down liquor outlets if it finds that the complaint was genuine.”

The state government has already assigned government officials to conduct a thorough intelligence analysis of the outlets for which complaints have been brought to its attention.

Sources within Tasmac indicated that numerous complaints were unfounded, and the department was diligently investigating the authenticity of these complaints.

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