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Story of FEED: Managing food wastage to feed and educate India’s children


India is a country that is home to a large population of people who struggle with hunger and malnutrition. Based on the Global Hunger Index 2020, India ranks 94th out of 107 countries. Despite this, a large amount of food is wasted in India every year, which could otherwise be used to feed and nourish those in need.

A 2018 report by Clean India Journal found that around 67 million tonnes of food are wasted in India every year, valued at around 92,000 crores which are enough to feed the whole state of Bihar for a year. However, there are several organizations working towards reducing food wastage and utilizing surplus food to feed those in need, and FEED is one such organization. This is a staggering amount of food and money that could be put to better use, especially in a country where millions of children go to bed hungry every night.

FEED, which stands for Food for Education and Economic Development, was founded in 2011 by Ankit Kawatra. The organization aims to combat hunger, malnutrition, and food wastage in India by utilizing surplus food from hotels, restaurants, and corporate events to feed underprivileged children and provide them with education.

FEED started its journey in 2012 by distributing food to children in slums in Delhi and Noida. Today, it has expanded its reach to serve children in 12 states across India. FEED not only provides food but also focuses on providing education to children to break the cycle of poverty and malnutrition.

In response to this issue, several initiatives have emerged in recent years, aimed at reducing food waste and feeding those in need. One such initiative is FEED, which was founded in 2013 by Komal Ahmad, a social entrepreneur who saw the need to tackle food waste and hunger in a sustainable way.

FEED began as a small student-run organization at the University of California, Berkeley, with the aim of redistributing excess food from campus dining halls to those in need in the local community. Since then, it has grown into a larger organization with a presence in several cities in the United States and India.

In India, FEED works with local communities and schools to provide nutritious meals to children who are at risk of malnutrition. The organization sources excess food from hotels, restaurants, and caterers, which would otherwise be discarded, and repurposes it into meals for children.

The impact of FEED’s work has been significant. By providing nutritious meals to children, the organization has helped to address the issue of malnutrition, which can have a long-term impact on a child’s health and development. Studies have shown that children who are malnourished are more likely to struggle with learning and education, leading to a cycle of poverty and disadvantage.

FEED’s work also has a broader impact on the community. By sourcing excess food and repurposing it into meals, the organization is able to create employment opportunities for local people, particularly women. This helps to promote economic empowerment and reduce poverty in the community.

In addition to its work with schools and communities, FEED also promotes sustainability at weddings and celebrations. The organization works with event planners and caterers to minimize food waste and repurpose excess food into meals for those in need. This helps to reduce the environmental impact of events and promote sustainable practices.

Initiatives such as FEED are making a significant impact in addressing food waste and hunger in India. By repurposing excess food into nutritious meals for children, the organization is helping to tackle the issue of malnutrition and promote better health and education outcomes. At the same time, it is also creating employment opportunities and promoting sustainable practices in the community. With the continued support of individuals and organizations, initiatives like FEED can help to build a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

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