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Discover the benefits of eating watermelon during pregnancy for you and your baby’s health


Summer is here, and with that follows the unbearable heat that can drain out all the vital nutrients and the heat may suck all the energy off of you especially if you are expecting because you are more prone to be targeted by viruses and bacterias. 

But the good news is that you can beat not only the heat but also strengthen your body to fight against diseases with your favorite fruit!

Due to its juicy, sweet and refreshing effect, watermelon is loved by people from all age groups alike! 

Rich in vitamins A which is an essential for healthy skin and immune system function. It is also high in antioxidants, which protect the body against harmful free radicals and can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. 

Watermelon is also a great source of vitamin C, which is essential for the immune system and helps prevent infections. It also contains vitamin A, which is important for the development of the baby’s eyes, skin, and bones. Additionally, watermelon is rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that can protect the body against cancer and heart disease.

But apart from all that, you know it can help you and your mini-me in numerous ways, so if you are a mother who is expecting, this is why you should consume watermelon!

Benefits of watermelon for pregnant mothers

Relieves Heartburn and Acidity

Heartburn and acidity are common problems during pregnancy due to hormonal changes. The increase in hormones such as progesterone can cause the valve between the esophagus and stomach to relax, leading to acid reflux and heartburn. Watermelon is an alkaline fruit that can help neutralize stomach acid and reduce symptoms of heartburn and acidity. The high water content in watermelon also helps to soothe the esophagus and reduce irritation.

Reduces Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is a common symptom of early pregnancy, and it can be quite uncomfortable. Watermelon is rich in water and electrolytes, which can help prevent dehydration and reduce nausea and vomiting. Eating watermelon can provide a refreshing and hydrating snack that is easy to digest and can help reduce the symptoms of morning sickness.

Prevents Dehydration

Dehydration is a common problem during pregnancy, especially during hot summer months. Watermelon is a high-water content fruit that can help keep pregnant mothers hydrated and prevent the risk of dehydration. It also contains essential electrolytes such as potassium and magnesium, which can help maintain the body’s fluid balance.

Helps Remove Toxins

Watermelon is rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and lycopene, which can help remove toxins from the body and improve overall health. During pregnancy, the body produces more waste products, and watermelon can help flush out these toxins, reducing the risk of complications.

Word of caution- 

  1. Although watermelon is a healthy fruit, pregnant women should consume it in moderation. Eating too much of it can lead to an increase in blood sugar levels and weight gain, which can be harmful during pregnancy.
  1. Despite it being healthy, it should be consumed within 30 mins after cutting to help the body retain the nutrients as watermelon quickly loses nutrients after getting exposed to air and if you are eating such watermelon you are just consuming empty sugars. 
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