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Here is why you should replace Sugar and try these Sugar Alternatives


Humans have used sugar as a highly tasty and accessible source of energy for thousands of years. But in spite of its ubiquitous use, sugar plays a significant role in a number of health issues. It’s difficult to avoid the sweet tooth-satisfying taste of sugar, which can be found in everything from the sugar in our morning coffee to the additional sugar in our favorite processed snacks. 

But ingesting too much sugar can have detrimental effects on our health, prompting many people to think about alternatives. The advantages to the health of avoiding sugar and adopting its substitutes will be discussed in this blog.

Sugar: A big Red Flag! 

Overindulging in sugar can contribute to weight gain, which increases the chance of developing a number of chronic conditions. Consuming a lot of sugar is linked to insulin resistance, which can result in type 2 diabetes. According to research, sugar’s high fructose content raises levels of triglycerides and bad cholesterol, both of which are risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Refusing sugar has the added advantage of assisting in blood sugar regulation. Large sugar intake can result in blood sugar increases that increase the risk of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance. Natural sugar substitutes with a lower glycemic index, such as honey or maple syrup, can help control blood sugar levels and lessen the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Additionally, avoiding sweets might enhance oral health. Due to the fact that sugar feeds the bacteria in our mouths that produce damaging acids, sugar is a well-known cause of tooth decay. We can lower our risk of cavities and other dental issues by consuming less sugar and choosing sugar-free alternatives.

Here are some of the top sugar substitutes, along with information on their calorie and nutritional content:


Stevia is a natural sweetener made from the Stevia rebaudiana plant’s leaves. As it has no calories and has no impact on blood sugar levels, it is a fantastic choice for those with diabetes. Stevia has been demonstrated to increase insulin sensitivity and has anti-inflammatory properties.


Erythritol is a sugar alcohol that is 60–70% sweeter than sugar but almost completely calorie-free. The majority of individuals tolerate it well and it doesn’t have a laxative effect, unlike other sugar alcohols. Additionally, erythritol is teeth-friendly, which means it won’t cause tooth decay.


Another sugar alcohol that is as sweet as sugar but contains 40% fewer calories is xylitol. Additionally beneficial to your teeth, it has been demonstrated to stop tooth decay. Although xylitol has a few more calories than erythritol, it is still less caloric than sugar.


Bees produce honey from floral nectar as a natural sweetener. You don’t need to use it as much because it is somewhat sweeter than sugar. Additionally, a rich source of antioxidants and antibacterial qualities is honey. With 64 calories per tablespoon, it has more calories than other sugar substitutes, nevertheless.

Maple Syrup: 

Made from the sap of maple trees, maple syrup is a natural sweetener. It has a distinctive flavor and is an excellent antioxidant source. Additionally rich in calcium, potassium, and zinc is maple syrup. The calorie count in one tablespoon of maple syrup is around 52.

Rejecting sugar and embracing its substitutes can benefit our health in a number of ways, including better weight management, blood sugar control, and the promotion of oral health, mental health, and heart health. Therefore, the next time you want a snack or beverage with added sugar, think about switching to a sugar-free alternative. Your body will appreciate it.

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