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New Delhi

Demand for beer skyrockets in Kolkata amidst heatwave, leading to supply crisis


The scorching heatwave in Kolkata has created a significant disparity between the demand for beer and its supply in bars, pubs, and retail outlets, leading to an ongoing mismatch in availability.

As the demand continues to surge, many establishments are finding it challenging to keep up and are running out of stock earlier than usual. On the other hand, some establishments are only able to serve a limited range of beer brands and varieties due to the supply constraints.

The refrigerators, usually stocked with a wide array of beer brands and varieties, have been experiencing an unusual emptiness for the past few days, with over 75% of their space left unoccupied.

“It has been a very long hot spell of weather in Kolkata which has led to shortage of beer everywhere. Almost 90% guests visiting us are opting for beer. We have been trying to replenish the stock as frequently as possible so that nobody is disappointed,” said Pritesh Sakpal of Five Mad Men in Salt Lake’s Sector V.

Recent data from the state’s excise department reveals a significant surge in beer consumption, with figures showing that it has nearly doubled in the past year. The beer industry in the region has reached an impressive milestone, crossing the INR 4,000-crore mark compared to the previous year’s INR 1,700-crore.

Retailers have attributed this notable increase in beer consumption to the hot and tropical weather conditions prevalent in the city. Kolkata has witnessed multiple prolonged heatwaves this year, characterized by limited respite and occasional thunderstorms, contributing to the higher demand for beer.

Bar owners have reported a rapid depletion of stock, with bottles flying off the racks as soon as they are replenished. As a result, some outlets are left with only the strong variety of beer, while others are able to serve only pints (small bottles).

“Last weekend we had to request several guests to opt for brands and varieties they normally don’t prefer because we did not have much stock. We were left with strong beer of a particular brand,” said the manager of a Park Street bar.

Beer lovers can rejoice this weekend as bars and liquor shops have received a fresh supply of stock on Friday.

“We have received beers of almost all brands and varieties which will last for the next few days. Hopefully, people will get their favourite brew over the weekend,” said Sandeep Sehgal of Broadway on Ganesh Chandra Avenue.

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