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New Delhi

Hyderabad set to host Food Conclave 2023 from April 28th


The Telangana Government has announced that it will be hosting “The Food Conclave-2023” from April 28 to 29. The upcoming event aims to convene the foremost 100 thought leaders from the agri-food industry for intense discussions to identify crucial challenges and opportunities for the growth of the Indian agri-food sector over the next decade.

On Tuesday, Telangana minister KT Rama Rao (KTR) announced the unveiling of “The Food Conclave,” stating that “Over the past 8 years, Telangana has been one of the leading states in development not just in IT, services and life sciences sectors but also in the agri-food sector. The state’s agriculture production has grown tremendously in the last decade with focus on irrigation and schemes directed towards improvement in the rural social infrastructure.”

According to the Minister, the current global situation presents both challenges and potential opportunities that require a coordinated and calculated effort to capitalize on. To achieve this goal for the benefit of the state and country, key stakeholders must come together and chart out a clear path. The upcoming event, “The Food Conclave,” aims to create a platform for this purpose, providing an opportunity to bring together stakeholders and facilitate discussions on how best to move forward in the food industry.

The upcoming event will focus on five predominant thematic tracks, namely Agriculture (green), Edible Oil (yellow), Dairy (white), Meat & Poultry (pink), and Aquaculture (blue). Knowledge partners for each track, including The World Economic Forum-India, Indian Vegetable Oil Producers Association (IVPA), Indian Dairy Association, Heifer International, and Society of Aquaculture Professionals, have identified key areas for discussion. These thematic tracks and identified areas of discussion are intended to provide a comprehensive platform for stakeholders to engage with and address crucial issues and opportunities in their respective industries.

During the conclave, there will be 27 panel discussions, 5 roundtables, and over 40 one-on-one meetings between government and industry leaders. These diverse formats of engagement aim to facilitate comprehensive discussions and constructive interactions between participants. The event is expected to be an impactful platform for driving the growth and development of the food industry in Telangana and beyond.

The upcoming event is poised to draw in the most prominent and esteemed industry leaders and experts in the agri-food sector throughout India. The presence of such notable individuals is expected to make the event an exceptional platform for networking, sharing valuable knowledge, and discussing key issues affecting the industry.

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