Genesis BBQ, a leading quick-service restaurant chain from South Korea with around 3,500 outlets across various countries, is set to enter the Indian market through a collaboration with Baramati Agro.͏͏ This͏͏ agri-business͏͏ firm,͏͏ known͏͏ for͏͏ its͏͏ strong͏͏ presence͏͏ in͏͏ the͏͏ poultry͏͏ and͏͏ sugar͏͏ industries,͏͏ is͏͏ linked͏͏ to͏͏ the͏͏ politically͏͏ influential͏͏ Pawar͏͏ family͏͏ from͏͏ Maharashtra.
Baramati͏͏ Agro,͏͏ founded͏͏ in͏͏ 1988͏͏ by͏͏ the͏͏ late͏͏ Appasaheb͏͏ Pawar,͏͏ brother͏͏ of͏͏ Nationalist͏͏ Congress͏͏ Party͏͏ leader͏͏ Sharad͏͏ Pawar,͏͏ generates͏͏ revenue͏͏ of͏͏ INR͏͏ 5,000͏͏ crore.͏͏ The͏͏ company͏͏ is͏͏ currently͏͏ led͏͏ by͏͏ Rohit͏͏ Pawar,͏͏ the͏͏ grandson͏͏ of͏͏ Appasaheb͏͏ Pawar͏͏ and͏͏ a͏͏ serving͏͏ member͏͏ of͏͏ the͏͏ legislative͏͏ assembly͏͏ (MLA).
Diverse͏͏ Ventures͏͏ of͏͏ Baramati Agro:
Baramati͏͏ Agro͏͏ is͏͏ involved͏͏ in͏͏ multiple͏͏ sectors,͏͏ such͏͏ as͏͏ broiler͏͏ breeding,͏͏ animal͏͏ feed,͏͏ food͏͏ production,͏͏ sugar,͏͏ ethanol͏͏ processing,͏͏ and͏͏ green͏͏ energy.͏͏ It͏͏ operates͏͏ 150͏͏ franchise͏͏ stores͏͏ in͏͏ Pune͏͏ and͏͏ Mumbai͏͏ under͏͏ its͏͏ Chicken͏͏ Vicken͏͏ brand,͏͏ which͏͏ specializes͏͏ in͏͏ processed͏͏ raw͏͏ chicken.͏͏ “Our͏͏ poultry͏͏ business͏͏ and͏͏ the͏͏ export͏͏ of͏͏ fruits͏͏ and͏͏ vegetables͏͏ to͏͏ Europe͏͏ give͏͏ us͏͏ a͏͏ strong͏͏ backend͏͏ presence.͏͏ We͏͏ wanted͏͏ to͏͏ venture͏͏ into͏͏ the͏͏ QSR͏͏ market͏͏ and͏͏ were͏͏ looking͏͏ for͏͏ an͏͏ international͏͏ partner,”͏͏ remarked͏͏ Rohit͏͏ Mehendale,͏͏ financial͏͏ advisor͏͏ at͏͏ Baramati͏͏ Agro.
Continue͏͏ Exploring:͏͏ One-third͏͏ of͏͏ food͏͏ outlets͏͏ in͏͏ India͏͏ to͏͏ be͏͏ QSRs͏͏ by͏͏ 2028:͏͏ Report
In͏͏ addition͏͏ to͏͏ QSR,͏͏ Baramati͏͏ Agro͏͏ is͏͏ open͏͏ to͏͏ introducing͏͏ other͏͏ restaurant͏͏ formats͏͏ provided͏͏ by͏͏ Genesis͏͏ BBQ.͏͏ The͏͏ company͏͏ will͏͏ serve͏͏ as͏͏ the͏͏ master͏͏ franchisee͏͏ for͏͏ Genesis͏͏ BBQ͏͏ and͏͏ plans͏͏ to͏͏ retain͏͏ ownership͏͏ of͏͏ the͏͏ first͏͏ 10͏͏ restaurants.
Rohit͏͏ Pawar,͏͏ CEO͏͏ of͏͏ Baramati͏͏ Agro,͏͏ stated,͏͏ “Our͏͏ partnership͏͏ with͏͏ Genesis͏͏ BBQ͏͏ represents͏͏ a͏͏ significant͏͏ step͏͏ in͏͏ our͏͏ mission͏͏ to͏͏ diversify͏͏ into͏͏ new͏͏ segments.͏͏ We͏͏ are͏͏ thrilled͏͏ to͏͏ introduce͏͏ an͏͏ authentic͏͏ Korean͏͏ culinary͏͏ experience͏͏ to͏͏ India.”
Genesis BBQ’s͏͏ Global͏͏ Recognition:
As͏͏ per͏͏ Baramati͏͏ Agro,͏͏ Genesis͏͏ BBQ,͏͏ which͏͏ was͏͏ founded͏͏ in͏͏ 1995,͏͏ has͏͏ grown͏͏ to͏͏ operate͏͏ more͏͏ than͏͏ 3,500͏͏ restaurants͏͏ globally͏͏ and͏͏ is͏͏ recognized͏͏ as͏͏ one͏͏ of͏͏ the͏͏ top͏͏ 100͏͏ brands͏͏ in͏͏ South͏͏ Korea.͏͏ The͏͏ first͏͏ Genesis͏͏ BBQ͏͏ restaurant͏͏ is͏͏ expected͏͏ to͏͏ launch͏͏ in͏͏ early͏͏ 2025.
Hong͏͏ Guen͏͏ Yoon,͏͏ chairman͏͏ of͏͏ Genesis͏͏ BBQ,͏͏ stated,͏͏ “India͏͏ represents͏͏ an͏͏ important͏͏ growth͏͏ market͏͏ for͏͏ us,͏͏ and͏͏ we͏͏ are͏͏ eager͏͏ to͏͏ partner͏͏ with͏͏ Baramati͏͏ Agro͏͏ to͏͏ introduce͏͏ our͏͏ brand͏͏ to͏͏ a͏͏ new͏͏ audience.”