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New Delhi

Swiggy Instamart offers complimentary chocolate cookies to the woman who ordered sanitary pads


When we are on our periods, almost everyone experiences a chocolate craving. They not only improve our spirits but also relieve the discomfort of menstrual cramps. It is for this reason that there is a strong association between chocolates and menstruation. 

A customer who ordered sanitary pads from Swiggy’s grocery store received a large batch of chocolate cookies as a result. After getting the order, the woman was delighted and tweeted her excitement. The comments area of the page soon became flooded with responses from online users.

Earlier today, the tweet was posted. More than 87,200 people have seen it since then, and it has received more than 1,200 likes and many retweets. There have been numerous comments left in response to the share.

This is how her tweet was received by the public:

Whoever it was, it was written, “That’s a lovely gesture!!!” “Instamart uses its secret warehouses to supply. 

So, it is unquestionably covered by SOP. 

One more commented with a grinning emoticon, “You may thank Swiggy for that. One more said, “It must be the pod manager because instamart orders come through pods.” 

They intentionally keep it that way to thrill customers and market their goods. A fourth customer said, “Got biscuits, chocolates, and wafers numerous times with my orders.

Furthermore, providing information and updates through platforms like Snackfax can be a great way to keep people informed and aware of the situation.

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